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Displaying results 1-20 of 249 results found.


For all dental educational requirements please visit TURAS Learn

The Scottish Government

SDR Amendment No 149

Changes to the Statement of Dental Remuneration (SDR) on the amount of maternity, paternity, adoptive leave, and long term sickness payments that NHS dental contractors may receive.


COVID-19 infection prevention and control – Dental Appendix

This guidance is issued jointly by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), Public Health Wales (PHW), Public Health Agency (PHA) Northern Ireland, Health Protection Scotland (HPS), Public Health Scotland, Public Health England and NHS England.

RCCSEng logo

Parameters of care for patients undergoing mandibular third molar surgery

Guidelines from the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

NHS Scotland Logo

Moving towards a return to routine dental care

Standard operating procedures for dental teams in Scotland.

NHS NSS logo

FFP3 Respirators: Advice from NSS

Advice to dentists about the reliability of FFP3 respirator masks,  ongoing quality assurance procedure and the face-fitting programme.

NSS logo

Ventilation, water and environmental cleaning in dental surgeries relating to COVID-19

A Short Life Working Group (SLWG) was established to review and make recommendations for remobilisation, development of guidance and other […]

The Scottish Government

SDR Amendment 145

Amendment 145 to the Statement of Dental Remuneration takes effect from 13th July 2020.

The Scottish Government

SDR Amendment 144

Amendment 144 of the Statement for Dental Remuneration was published on 22nd June 2020.


Remobilisation of dental services

This is a letter from the Chief Dental Officer to all dental health professionals in Scotland. It outlines the first steps for the remobilisation of NHS dental services in Scotland.

COVID-19 Guidance

Guidance for oral health professionals relating to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.

The Scottish Government

Statement of Dental Remuneration, Amendment 143

Amendment 143 to the Statement of Dental Remuneration covers duplicate study casts and practice allowance and reimbursement of practice rental costs – designated areas.

Health care improvement logo

Safety Climate Survey

Collated information and FAQs about the Safety Climate Survey, which closes on 31st March 2020.

The Scottish Government

Pay and conditions of service

Changes in salary scales and allowances in 2019-20 for hospital dentists, public health dentists, dental service staff, training grades, advisors, assistant directors and directors of dental practice education.

SDcep Logo

SDCEP Dental Companion

The Dental Companion, by the Scottish Dental Clinical Effectiveness Programme (SDCEP), delivers easy mobile access to SDCEP’s evidence-based guidance via Google Play, iTunes or the web.

NES logo

Quality Improvement (QI) Methodology eLearning Modules

This document contains background information and links to four elearning modules in Quality Improvement hosted by Turas for NHS Education for Scotland.

The Scottish Government

Quality Improvement Activites for GDPs 2019-22

utlines the arrangements for the quality improvement (QI) activities undertaken by dentists for the forthcoming 3-year cycle 2019/22.

The Scottish Government

Statement of Dental Remuneration, Amendment 141

Scottish ministers have amended the regulations on dental remuneration, effective from 1st July 2019

Dentists with Enhanced Skills in Domiciliary Care

This letter advises NHS Boards and Practitioner Services of new arrangements being introduced for the provision of enhanced skills in […]