SDCEP guidance now NICE accredited

Posted by: Nicole Alterado - Posted on:

SDCEP logoWe are very pleased to report that the process used by SDCEP to produce Dental Clinical Guidance has recently been accredited by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).

NICE accreditation is valid for five years and is applied retrospectively to SDCEP’s periodontal care and anticoagulants guidance, both of which were produced using the accredited process.

NICE Accreditation signifies independent recognition of the high quality, rigorous, systematic and transparent process that SDCEP uses to produce guidance.  Users of NICE Accredited guidance can have high confidence in the quality of the information provided. Accredited guidance is highlighted and available worldwide through the NICE Evidence Search portal.  SDCEP’s guidance development process is the only one with NICE accreditation that focuses on dental healthcare.

Further details are provided in a press release from NES and via the SDCEP website.  Please share this information as you see fit.